Sunday, July 16, 2006

Since I've been learning how to build web sites I thought it would be a good idea to dip into this whole blogging malarky. I can work up a head of steam aover almost anything (I think the pulp term is 'passionate'), and that's what you're going to get exposed to here.

I thought I'd start by posting a few articles here, or at least their beginnings , then leave you with a few links to latch onto if you're interested.

Since I'm still reeling (it can be a very exciting dance) from a recent divorce, I thought it would be a good idea to start with a something about weddings. I've had the privilege of being the bridegroom at two great weddings; one civil, one in church. The civilities in the first wedding unfortunately didn't extend to the marriage, and the second marriage was an exercise in willful amnesia - maybe the church should make the vows shorter so we can have them tattooed on our foreheads or something. A good marriage, after all, is a type of branding - his n hers anoraks etc. - and
the pain would be appropriate.

But, as I said, I'm a big fan of the starting point, the gathering of loved ones, the big day itself. A wedding is the beginning of a journey: you embark with a tank full of fuel, fresh, unblemished and full of hope - this is the moment you feel you become your true self. After that, you gradually turn into your parents and the reeling begins...

Here's a snippet from one of the articles on the site I've just built:

'11 Things To Remember When Planning Your Wedding' (or the first 4 or 5... )
by Christine

Every woman dreams of her own wedding. May it be a small gathering in a picturesque orchard, a grand ball in a gigantic castle or a funky wedding along the coastline, she wants it planned and tailored to her wishes. Planning your wedding would take time, effort and energy but it's worth it. For brides out there, here are some things you can't forget to look into.

1. Payments
Of course, planning your wedding will need sufficient amount of cash. Establish who pays for what. This is usually worked out between the couple and their families.

2. Marriage License Requirements
There are different requirements for each state, so be sure to look into yours. Remember that you can't even start planning your wedding without a license so make it high priority.

3. Booking the ceremony and the reception.
Choose a place to hold your wedding. It'd be great if both parties talk about it. Also, planning your wedding means planning the reception well so that there won't be wrinkles in your wonderful day.

4. Reception Ideas
Planning your wedding by yourself might become tiring, so set up a brainstorming session with your friends and relatives to work out the details. List the ideas in a piece of paper and deliberate on them carefully. Properly laid out plans are wonderful to work with.

5. Invitations
The invitation should be simple yet elegant. An overly decorated invitation just turns people off. Remember to include all the people involved in the wedding itself and address them properly. Be sure to indicate if you're inviting the children of the family too because most parents don't take them to weddings if their presence is not specifically requested.

You can read more of this here

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